Darin Haskel, the Director of Ivory Innovations and Drew Maggelet, Director of Housing for the Call to Action Foundation

On October 31st, the Call to Action Foundation and Ivory Foundation joined the Salt Lake Chamber Housing Gap Coalition meeting to discuss innovative approaches to help solve housing shortages in the State of Utah. Drew Maggelet, Director of Housing for the Call to Action Foundation, was joined by Darin Haskell, the Director of Ivory Innovations. Together they presented on this new partnership between the two foundations and the 850+ new affordable housing units it is bringing to several communities throughout Utah.

“We know this partnership is solving a fraction of the escalating need for housing throughout the State, said Drew Maggelet. We need more philanthropists, businesses, and government leaders to join us in creating solutions to this urgent problem affecting so many families and individuals in our community. Hopefully, this partnership can inspire others to do so.”

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We strengthen children and families through investments in equitable access to early childhood education, early childhood and family mental health, affordable housing, and food security.